The flowers that grow out of our confetti

Our flower seed confetti contains*:

Chrysanthemum parthenium (moederkruid) Gypsophila Elegans white (bruidsluier / gipskruid)  Antirrhinum majus (leeuwenbek)
gipskruid confetti
Iberis Umbellata  (schermscheefbloem) Ageratum mexicanum (donsbloem) Petunia nana (petunia)
donsbloem confetti petunia confetti
Lobularia maritima (schildzaad) Godetia Grandiflora (zomer azalea) Dorotheanthus bellidiformis (ijsbloem)
schildzaad confetti azalea confetti

ijsbloem confetti

Salvia Coccinea (salie) Papaver rhoeas (klaproos)

Best results are gained from sowing between March and September and watering your confetti regularly. 


Sow your confetti in a pot or your garden. Cover with a little soil, water regularly, protect from freezing and wait....

Soon you'll see this:                                      

 Bloembak bloemzaad confettibloemzaad confetti planten kiemenPlants from confetti


*Because of different times and ways of sowing we cannot guarantee that all flowers will bloom, nor that all of the above will be in your bag.